A w a r d s and H o n o r s
Nominated for Pauline Alderman Award for Dring biography (2022)
Album of the Year, Light Music Society of Britain (2019).
Diploma, Corrente da Paz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2011).
Diploma, Doctor of Musical Arts, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (2004).
Who's Who in Entertainment (1997).
Semi-Finalist, Joy in Singing (1996).
Finalist Luciano Pavarotti International Vocal Competition, Opera Company of Philadelphia (1992).
Winner Lieder Award, Liederkranz Foundation, New York (1991).
Eleanor Steber Opera Award, Baltimore Opera International Voice Competition (1990).
Semi-finalist, Naumburg Foundation Recital Competition (1989).
Semi-Finalist, New York Concert Artists Guild Recital Competition (1989).
3rd Place Gulf Coast Region, Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions (1989). Finalists from three states and Puerto Rico.
2nd Place New Orleans District, Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions (1989).
Semi-Finalist, Baltimore Opera International Voice Competition (1986).
1st Prize, John Parkinson Foundation Opera Competition (1986).
Semi-finalist, Baltimore Opera International Voice Competition (1985).
1st Place Philadelphia District, Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions (1985).
1st Place Giargiari Bel Canto Competition, Academy of Vocal Arts (1983).
2nd Place Shreveport Singer of the Year, Shreveport Opera (1982).
Winner New Orleans Philharmonic Oratorio Singer Award (1982).
Encouragement Award Gulf Coast Region, Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions (1982). Finalists from three states and Puerto Rico.
1st Place New Orleans District, Metropolitan Opera Council Auditions (1982).
3rd Place Madame Rose Palmai Tenser Competition, Mobile Opera Guild (1981). Five-state regional competition with three finalists from each state.
Regional Finalist: Artists Awards, National Association of Teachers of Singing (1981). One of two Louisiana representatives in three-state competition.
1st Place, Jefferson Performing Arts Association (1981).
3rd Place Gulf Coast Region, Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions (1981). Finalists from three states and Puerto Rico.
1st Place New Orleans District, Metropolitan Opera Council Auditions (1981).
1st Place Regional Winner Graduate Women, National Association of Teachers of Singing (1980). Three-state competition.
4th Place Madame Rose Palmai Tenser Competition, Mobile Opera Guild (1980). Five-state competition with three finalists from each state.